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Keeping Students and Staff Safe from Infectious Diseases

The REMS TA Center offers a variety of resources related to infectious disease planning and everyday infectious disease control in schools and on postsecondary campuses. Click on the infectious disease types below to access more resources for K-12 schools and institutions of higher education.

Ebola Virus

Seasonal Flu

Non-Polio Enterovirus



Zika Virus


Everyday Infectious Disease Planning in IHEs and Schools


Everyday Infectious Disease Planning in IHEs and Schools

Tool Box. You can access procedures, planning guidelines, and templates here. If you have a resource you’d like to share with the emergency management community, feel free to upload it for consideration via our Tool Box Submission form: http://rems.ed.gov/ResourceSubmission/ResourceSubmissions.aspx

Online Courses. Our online courses guide users on federally recommended information and processes for high-quality emergency operations plan development and related topics in comprehensive emergency management. Register today to take the following online courses related to infectious diseases planning:

Specialized Training Packages. Our downloadable Specialized Training Packages feature self-paced emergency management training materials to support high-quality emergency management across a range of special topics. School emergency managers may use these materials to train their colleagues or to brush up on their own knowledge regarding special topics in school emergency management. You can download a copy of the following training packages:

  • Infectious Disease Planning. This training package is targeted to anyone who may have a role in creating or enacting an Infectious Diseases Annex, including state and school district emergency planning officials, school staff, community partners, and first responders.

  • Continuity of Operations Planning. This training package which is targeted to anyone who may have a role in creating or enacting a COOP Annex, or anyone who participates in the EOP development process, including state and school district emergency planning officials, school staff, community partners, and first responders.

