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The REMS TA Center takes pride in supporting education agencies and their community partners by offering up-to-date information and resources from us and Federal and national partners in the field. News & Updates From the REMS TA Center is our monthly email newsletter. We also send out individual announcements on upcoming Webinars, Twitter chats, NEW resources, and other relevant information and events.

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Count: 138
News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, September 2024

Features articles on topics such as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities; school nutrition directors; engaging families in emergency communications planning; updates to the REMS TA Center website; and exploring community organizations and agencies to leverage resources and enhance school safety.

Suicide Prevention and Intervention

Provides information on integrating suicide prevention and intervention protocols in emergency operations plans.

NEW Planning Considerations for K-12 Rural Schools Train-the-Educator (TtE) Hybrid Training

Announces the release of a synchronous training on emergency management planning for rural schools.

Updated Plan Evaluation Tool: EOP EVALUATE

Announces the update to the EOP EVALUATE web application and describes its new enhancements, uses, and benefits for core planning teams at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education with emergency operations plans.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, August 2024

Features articles on topics such as back-to-school preparedness planning, Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program, school safety roles in focus series and K-12 administrators, NEW human error tabletop exercise, opioid overdose awareness and prevention, and conference exhibitions and presentations.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, July 2024

Features articles on topics such as the SITE ASSESS mobile application, school and campus visits throughout the school year, improving how you conduct exercises, strengthening community partnerships during the summertime, and statewide system of support in Pennsylvania.

NEW Interlocal and Mutual Aid Agreements Web Page

Announces the release of a new web page that provides an overview of interlocal agreements, mutual aid agreements, and the role of each in K-12 and higher education emergency operations plans.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, June 2024

Features articles on topics such as year-round gun violence prevention efforts, emergency and safety equipment checks and tests, addressing hate speech and bullying in the emergency operations plan, a new K-12 collaboration web page, and using REMS TA Center tools in summer professional development.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, May 2024

Features articles on topics such as conducting trainings for all faculty and staff, mental health awareness month trainings and resources, improving preparedness in time for graduation season, collaboration and student engagement, and ensuring accessibility for the whole school community in Oregon.

Using Federal Resources and Community Preparedness Officers to Support Youth Emergency Preparedness Efforts

Provides information on Community Preparedness Officers and other youth preparedness resources available to schools, local education agencies, and state education agencies.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, April 2024

Features articles on topics such as the focus on all-hazards emergency planning, public health preparedness strategies, emergency communications month training and resources, how administrators strengthen school safety efforts, and resources from the field.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, March 2024

Features articles on topics such as promoting safe firearm storage as a preventative action, tips and resources for schools to prevent underage alcohol and drug use, improving overall visitor management strategies, new section on the REMS TA Center website, and exercising school emergency operations plans with tabletop exercises.

NEW Online Course: Managing Your School’s Recovery From an Emergency Incident

Announces the release of a new online course for school administrators, security officers, emergency management and response personnel, and school or school district personnel on various aspects of recovery, a critical emergency management function.

NEW Online Course: After-Action Reviews and Reports for K-12 Schools and School Districts

Announces the release of a new online course for school staff, school district personnel, and community partners on after-action reviews and reports and how they are an important tool for core planning teams to reflect and identify gaps and areas of improvement in school emergency management planning.

Threading Cyber Safety Into School Emergency Operations Plans: Building Cyber-Safe School Settings and Systems

Provides information on cyber safety measures and their connection to school emergency operations plans.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, February 2024

Features articles on topics such as partnering with your local first responder agencies, advancing cyber safety in February and beyond, your feedback matters, partnering with state emergency management agencies, and leveraging feedback to expand training programs in Nebraska.

NEW Resilience Strategies for Institutions of Higher Education Hybrid Training

Announces the release of a synchronous training on resilience strategies for institutions of higher education.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, January 2024

Features articles on topics such as revisiting your school emergency operations plan, human trafficking and sextortion awareness, data privacy, hazard and threat databases, and sharing your school and campus safety stories and spotlights.

Reflections of 2023 From the REMS TA Center

Reviews NEW and updated resources released by the REMS TA Center in 2023.

NEW K-12 Cybersecurity Risk Management 101 Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Hybrid Training

Announces the release of a synchronous training on cybersecurity planning for a K-12 school setting.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, December 2023

Features articles on topics such as timeless school safety strategies series, the SITE ASSESS mobile application, National Special Education Day and neurodivergence, winter safety planning, and resources to support state education agency school safety efforts.

New Downloadable Training Module: Building Multidisciplinary Core Planning Teams

Announces the release of a downloadable training module on forming a collaborative planning team that is representative of school and school district personnel and community partners.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, November 2023

Features articles on topics such as planning for individuals with disabilities, incorporating bullying prevention into your school emergency operations plan, requesting the NEW synchronous training for institutions of higher education, protecting your school from infectious disease, and a hybrid training program in Maryland.

Integrating Fentanyl and Opioid Overdoses in K-12 and Higher Ed Emergency Management Planning

Provides information on how education agencies can prevent, mitigate the effects of, protect their school/campus community from, respond to, and recover from fentanyl and opioid overdoses.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, October 2023

Features articles on topics such as focusing on cybersecurity in October; testing alert, communication, and notification systems; getting ready to ShakeOut for earthquake preparedness; teaming up with students for school safety; and learning more about your national school safety center.

Preventing the Aiding and Abetting of Adult Sexual Misconduct in K-12 Schools

Highlights the importance of integrating plans to prevent the aiding and abetting of adult sexual misconduct into K-12 emergency preparedness planning activities and offers related resources from the U.S. Department of Education and its REMS TA Center.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, September 2023

Features articles on topics such as enhancing your emergency operations plan during National Preparedness Month, the value of anonymous reporting, NEW chemical management publication from the REMS TA Center, strengthening school and campus safety with CPTED, and sharing your experience and expertise with the REMS TA Center.

Updated Self-Assessment Tool: EOP ASSESS

Announces the update to the EOP ASSESS Web application and describes its new enhancements, uses, and benefits for administrators, faculty and teachers, and other personnel at schools, school districts, and institutions of higher education interested in emergency operations plan development.

NEW Sample Annexes to Support Emergency Management Planning Before, During, and After an Incident

Announces the release of five sample annexes that show core planning teams what annexes within an emergency operations plan are and how they can be formatted.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, August 2023

Features articles on topics such as participating in Overdose Awareness Week, back to school and engaging students in emergency preparedness, enhancing school emergency operations plans through collaboration with youth-serving organizations, sample annexes to spark ideas, and the School Safety Mentor Program in Tennessee.

Update to SITE ASSESS: NEW Merging Feature

Announces the update to the SITE ASSESS mobile application and describes its new merging feature, exporting and importing data, and related resources and training for education agencies to conduct site assessments and examine the safety, security, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of their building(s) and grounds.

Incorporating Equitable Practices Into Emergency Management Planning

Provides information on how K-12 education agencies and institutions of higher education can and should adopt equitable emergency management practices.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, July 2023

Features articles on topics such as actionable tips to strengthen your preparedness efforts this summer; updating your training and exercise program this summer; viewing our updated Web pages for Federal guidance; Louisiana partnerships help strengthen school safety; and new SEA planning document for developing an LEA contact list.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, June 2023

Features articles on topics such as supporting students' social, emotional, behavioral, and academic well-being and success; preparing schools for summer weather; averting targeted school violence; supporting a school community through the tragedy of loss of life; and preparing for power failure in schools and institutions of higher education.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, May 2023

Features articles on topics such as building safety, the role of athletic directors in school safety, showing appreciation and gratitude to teachers, emergency management planning for private schools, and the Maine School Safety Center's School Safety Specialist Program.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, April 2023

Features articles on topics such as child abuse prevention and sexual assault awareness, student privacy and data security, spring weather preparedness, considering online classrooms in emergency operations plans, and Community Emergency Response Team programs.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, March 2023

Features articles on topics such as enhancing emergency operations plans through inclusivity, School Social Workers Appreciation Week, interactive map of state emergency management resources, the REMS TA Center's practitioner-created Tool Box, and resources for rural schools on emergency management planning.

News & Updates From the REMS TA Center, February 2023

Features articles on topics such as celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Day, resources to support the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Preparedness Report, Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, training efforts at the New York State Education Department, and using functional exercises to enhance emergency operations plans.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, January 2023

Features articles on topics such as celebrating National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, resources to assist with the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act – Stronger Connections Grant, equitable approaches to emergency preparedness and school safety, #REMSontheAir asks school safety partners about tip lines, and a free plan generator tool for K-12 schools.

Exploring Public Health, Medical, and Mental Health in the Emergency Operations Plan

Provides information on the emergency management function of Public Health, Medical, and Mental Health and each of the three components.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, December 2022

Features articles on topics such as adult sexual misconduct and other forms of child exploitation, emergency preparedness inside and outside schools and campuses, emergency management planning at charter schools, protecting the whole school community at all settings and all times, and looking back on 2022 with gratitude.

Updated Emergency Exercises Training Package

Announces the release of an updated training package for K-12 schools and school districts to implement their emergency operations plans and improve their emergency management and preparedness capacity.

NEW Online Course: Preparing to Reunify Students With Families and Guardians Before, During, and After a School Emergency

Announces the release of a new online course for school administrators, security officers, emergency management and response personnel, and school or school district personnel to develop a greater understanding of family reunification to enhance preparedness related to this emergency management function.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, November 2022

Features articles on topics such as collaboration, school psychologists, winter weather preparedness, and our specialized training packages.

Integrating Cybersecurity Into Emergency Operations Plans for K-12 Schools and School Districts

Announces the release of new cybersecurity training materials and provides information and additional resources on developing a Cyber Annex.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, October 2022

Features articles on topics such as Cybersecurity Awareness Month, our NEW virtual training on communications, the Great ShakeOut, infectious disease annexes, and roles in emergency operations plan development.

NEW Recovery Support Web Page

Provides information on recovery after an emergency event and announces the release of a NEW Web page.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, September 2022

Features articles on topics such as cultivating a culture of preparedness during National Preparedness Month, free technology applications for emergency management planning, developing a self-care plan at the start of the school year, NEW fact sheets from the REMS TA Center, and exploring state school safety models with #REMSontheAir.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, August 2022

Features articles on topics such as incorporating emergency preparedness into back-to-school activities, using school crime and safety data to enhance emergency operations plans and foster a positive school climate, preparing for drug-related emergencies, the #REMSonTheRoad program, and transportation safety.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, July 2022

Features articles on topics such as implementing Psychological First Aid for Schools, partnering with parents and families to enhance school safety, a NEW fact sheet on after-action reports, incorporating emergency operations plan development into onboarding efforts for new hires, and providing supports for students and families experiencing homelessness.

NEW Online Course: Developing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness in the School Setting

Announces the release of a new online course for K-12 school (public and nonpublic) personnel, school district administrators and staff, state/regional education agency personnel, and community partners develop a greater understanding of the role of MOUs in supporting coordination efforts with community partners as well as topics to consider when developing MOUs to enhance preparedness in the school setting.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, June 2022

Features articles on topics such as planning for the upcoming school year, Internet Safety Month, contributing to the REMS TA Center Tool Box, the Grants to States for School Emergency Management grant program, and incorporating food safety into your emergency operations plan.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, May 2022

Features articles on topics such as strengthening emergency preparedness efforts using national awareness activities, NEW interactive checklists for developing and enhancing emergency operations plans, understanding Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, understanding the link between social-emotional learning and school safety, and NEW videos on REMS TA Center resources, training, and engagement opportunities.

NEW Online Course: Assessing Your School Site

Announces the release of a new online course for K-12 schools, school districts, state/regional education agencies, and their partners on site assessments and examining the safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness of K-12 buildings and grounds.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, April 2022

Features articles on topics such as refreshing your crime annex during National Crime Victims' Rights Week, a role-based Webinar series on the value of a multi-disciplinary approach to school safety, the NEW #REMSontheAir podcast, the Grants to States for School Emergency Management grant program, and a NEW local case study on a car crash resulting in student deaths.

Plan Ahead and Be Prepared for Spring Weather

Provides information on engaging in spring safety, including participating in #SafePlaceSelfie day, and resources on planning for spring natural hazards and shelter-in-place.

Earthquake Preparedness for K-12 Schools and School Districts

Provides information on creating an Earthquake Annex and announces the release of a NEW online course.

NEW #REMSontheAir Podcast

Announces the release of the REMS TA Center's new podcast and how you can join the conversation.

NEW Online Course: Cybersecurity Considerations for K-12 Schools and School Districts

Announces the release of a new online course for K-12 schools, school districts, state/regional education agencies, and their partners on including cybersecurity in emergency operations plans and obtaining critical data needed to prepare for network breaches and insider threats.

Planning for Family Reunification After an Emergency Event

Provides information on planning for family reunification after an emergency event and offers NEW resources and training on this emergency management function.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, March 2022

Features articles on topics such as supporting students through pandemic response and recovery, emergency preparedness is not luck and the REMS TA Center Calendar, the Grants to States for School Emergency Management grant program, implementing the National Incident Management System and the NEW fact sheet, and planning for continuity of teaching and learning.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, February 2022

Features articles on topics such as the school safety selfie, functional annexes, NEW trainings for institutions of higher education, Youth Preparedness Council applications, and online courses.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, January 2022

Features articles on topics such as the basic plan, National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, planning for infectious diseases and supporting COVID-19 vaccination, NEW flyers and resource lists in the Spanish language, and the #REMSChatWithAnExpert Twitter series.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, December 2021

Features articles on topics such as creating emergency operations plans that address all hazards and threats, mitigating the risk of school violence, preparing for winter-related emergencies, supporting students and staff who are grieving, and top tweets from 2021.

Seminario Web: Planificación de EOP escolar 101: Creación de Planes de Operaciones de Emergencia Escolar de Alta Calidad que Aborden todas las Amenazas, Peligros, Ajustes y Tiempos

Aprenda de las estrategias que las agencias de educación K-12 pueden usar, en colaboración con su equipo de socios comunitarios multidisciplinarios, para crear planes de operaciones de emergencia escolar (EOP) de alta calidad que integren la planificación en torno a todas las amenazas y peligros y en todos los ajustes y tiempos. Presentadores representan el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU., OSSS y REMS TA Center.

NEW Downloadable Training Module: Understanding the Roles of School Resource Officers

Announces the release of a new downloadable training module for K-12 school safety teams, leaders, and trainers at public and nonpublic schools, school districts, regional/state education agencies, and partner agencies to use on the topic of understanding the roles of school resource officers.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, November 2021

Features articles on topics such as enhancing emergency operations plans section by section, National School Psychology Week, NEW Grant Programs Web page and creative materials, building youth preparedness and integrating educational initiatives, and top tweet for the month of October.

NEW Fact Sheet on Virtual Trainings by Request (VTBRs) Program

Announces the release of a new fact sheet on the REMS TA Center's VTBRs program, including featured VTBR training topics, how VTBRs can support your professional development, and how to request a free VTBR for your education agency.

Archived Webinar: Exploring the REMS TA Center At a Glance: Safety, Security, Emergency Management, and Preparedness Services and Supports for Education Agencies

Announces a REMS TA Center Webinar on Exploring the REMS TA Center At a Glance: Safety, Security, Emergency Management, and Preparedness Services and Supports for Education Agencies.

Get Ready for International ShakeOut Day

Provides information on the 2021 International ShakeOut Day and resources to support planning earthquake drills.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, October 2021

Features articles on topics such as Cybersecurity Awareness Month, connecting with the whole school community through the Communications Annex, wildfire preparedness, how your education agency can benefit from the NEW Earthquake Preparedness for Schools Virtual Training by Request, Webinars, and top tweet for the month of September.

NEW Meet the REMS TA Center Video

Announces the release of a new video from the REMS TA Center for use by stewards and partners in the field.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, September 2021

Features articles on topics such as National Preparedness Month, NEW topic-specific resources Web pages, improving school climate through the use of culture and climate assessments, hosting a regional in-person or virtual Training by Request, #REMSChatWithAnExpert Twitter Chat series, and top tweet from the month of August.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, August 2021

Features articles on topics such as extreme heat safety preparedness, enhancing your Security Annex with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, emergency preparedness for K-12 extracurricular activities, how Virtual Trainings by Request can support your professional development, virtual networking through the REMS TA Center Tool Box, and top tweet for the month.

NEW Online Course: Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting

Announces the release of a new online course for K-12 schools, school districts, and state/regional education agencies on preventing adult sexual misconduct.

Three Ways to Engage With the REMS TA Center and Your Partners in the Field

Provides information on why your stewardship matters and how you can stay connected and share via the REMS TA Center's mailing list, the REMS TA Center's Community of Practice, and social media.

NEW Guidance At a Glance: A Training Guide for Administrators and Educators on Addressing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting

Announces the release of a new Guidance At a Glance section, provides an overview of A Training Guide for Administrators and Educators on Addressing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting, and offers more trainings and resources on adult sexual misconduct.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, July 2021

Features articles on topics such as planning for hurricanes and typhoons in your emergency operations plan (EOP); considering the role of health, emotional, and behavioral recovery in the EOP; resources and tools for K-12 EOP revision; trainings to assist with building your education agency's preparedness capacity; the REMS TA Center's Community of Practice; newly archived Webinars; and top tweets for the quarter.

Integrating Family, Youth, and Community Preparedness With Educational Initiatives

Provides information and resources on the topic of integrating family, youth, and community preparedness with educational initiatives.

Considering the Mental Health Needs of Students and Staff in Your Emergency Operations Plan

Provides information, resources, and considerations for supporting the mental health needs of the whole school community, including in the context of reopening, by updating the school or higher ed emergency operations plan.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Spring 2021

Features articles on topics such as the Safer Schools and Campuses Best Practices Clearinghouse; planning for flooding; updating of the Public Health, Medical, and Mental Health Annex; memoranda of understanding for relocation; Virtual Trainings by Request; and top tweets for the quarter.

Preventing Drug-Related Emergencies: Staying Educated and Prepared for School Safety and Student Health

Provides information, resources, and considerations for preventing drug-related emergencies at schools and institutions of higher education, and offers ways to participate in National Take Back Day.

NEW Downloadable Training Module: Conducting K-12 Site Assessments With SITE ASSESS

Announces the release of a new downloadable training module for K-12 schools and school districts on conducting site assessments with SITE ASSESS, and lists related resources offered by the REMS TA Center.

Building Your Preparedness for Hazardous Materials, Toxins, and Toxic Materials

Provides information, resources, and considerations for preparing for hazardous materials, toxins, and toxic materials, and offers strategies for engaging in National Poison Prevention Week.

NEW Emergency Management Virtual Toolkit for Institutions of Higher Education

Announces the release of the Emergency Management Virtual Toolkit for Institutions of Higher Education, a free tool that acts as a virtual landing page for the latest Federal training and technical assistance resources and information on higher ed emergency management.

NEW Downloadable Training Module: Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting

Announces the release of a new downloadable training module for K-12 schools, school districts, and state education agencies on preventing adult sexual misconduct.

NEW Fact Sheet on Modifying Exercises and Drills in the Face of the Pandemic

Announces the release of a new fact sheet on modifying exercises and drills in a pandemic, offers key considerations when modifying school-based exercises, and includes a resource snapshot.

NEW Fact Sheet on Masks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the School Setting

Announces the release of a new fact sheet on masks and personal protective equipment in the school setting, offers implementation tips, and includes a resource snapshot.

FREE Virtual Trainings and Modules

Introduces the variety of free virtual trainings and modules offered by the REMS TA Center, including online courses, Webinars, Virtual Trainings by Request, and specialized training package modules.

Protecting Students From Child Exploitation in Virtual and In-Person Learning Environments

Provides information and considerations around protecting students from child exploitation in virtual and in-person learning environments, and lists resources on human trafficking, sextortion, adult sexual misconduct, and cyber security.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Winter 2021

Features articles on topics such as the link between social-emotional learning and school safety, the 2021 Seasonal Preparedness Action Plan, modification of exercises and drills in response to COVID-19, asynchronous and synchronous supports offered by the REMS TA Center, and virtual networking highlights.

NEW Guidance At a Glance on the REMS TA Center Website

Announces the release of the District Guide At a Glance, which provides important safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness information to school district personnel in a digestible format, on the REMS TA Center Website.

NEW REMS TA Center Virtual Trainings by Request (VTBRs)

Announces the release of new Virtual Trainings by Request, designed to assist education agencies with professional development and school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness capacity-building efforts.

Updated Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness Applications

Announces updates to two of the REMS TA Center's most popular EOP Interactive Tools: the SITE ASSESS mobile application and the EOP ASSIST software application.

Get Ready to ShakeOut and Practice Preparedness Plans on International ShakeOut Day

Provides information, resources, and considerations around earthquake preparedness and participation in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill, including a ShakeOut Participation Checklist.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Summer 2020

Features articles on topics such as preparing for the reopening of schools and campuses, a newly released U.S. Department of Justice resource on school safety, considerations for protecting the whole school community during a pandemic, new REMS TA Center virtual trainings, and virtual networking highlights.

August Is National Immunization Awareness Month

Suggests preparedness activities to engage in during National Immunization Awareness Month, and includes trainings, tools, and resources to support school safety teams with infectious disease and public health planning.

Ensuring the Resilience and the Well-Being of School Personnel, Students, and Families During and After the Pandemic

Provides information for enhancing the resilience and well-being of the whole school/campus community during and after a pandemic, and offers resources on topics including psychological first aid, trauma-informed care, and emergency operations plans.

Keeping Students Safe Online During School at Home

Offers information on cyber safety and cybersecurity in the context of virtual learning, and includes resources for incorporating cyber considerations into an emergency operations plan.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Spring 2020

Features articles on topics such as Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds; continuity of operations planning and COVID-19; COVID-19 response, digital learning, and cybersecurity; updates on #REMSontheRoad; and virtual networking highlights.

NEW Specialized Training Package on Developing and Enhancing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) With Your Community Partners

Announces the release of a new REMS TA Center Specialized Training Package module on Developing and Enhancing Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) With Your Community Partners, designed to aid K-12 education agencies with the creation and enhancement of MOUs with key community partners.

Using Special Education Services Models to Enhance Threat Assessment

Offers considerations for collaborating with special education partners on emergency operations plan development and behavioral threat assessment.

NEW Resources on the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) for Education Agencies

Announces REMS TA Center supports for education agencies conducting continuity, response, and recovery efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including a dedicated Web page, a forum, and topic-specific resources.

February Is Earthquake Awareness Month

Offers resources and considerations for enhancing earthquake preparedness for Earthquake Awareness Month in February.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Winter 2020

Features articles on topics such as building resilience across the school district; the latest additions to the REMS TA Center's Tool Box; trauma-informed school safety drills; the new live training for #REMSontheRoad, entitled Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct; and virtual networking highlights.

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

Provides information on human trafficking, and offers resources from the REMS TA Center and partners in observance of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

NEW Train-the-Educator Training on Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct

Announces the release of a new REMS TA Center Train-the-Educator training on Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct, designed to support schools and school districts in preventing and addressing adult sexual misconduct as a part of their school emergency management activities.

NEW Tip Sheet on Psychological First Aid

Announces the release of a new REMS TA Center tip sheet on psychological first aid (PFA) to help education agencies implement the PFA model at their site, and lists other resources on PFA.

Updated EOP ASSIST Software and Interactive Workbook

Announces updates to two of the REMS TA Center's EOP Interactive Tools: the EOP ASSIST software application and the EOP ASSIST Interactive Workbook, available in English and Spanish.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Fall 2019

Features articles on topics such as Planning for Food Safety Year-Round, An Overview of the Federal Commission on School Safety's Letter Recommending an Annual Review of State Emergency Operations Plans, state school safety centers, the latest live trainings through the #REMSontheRoad program, and virtual networking highlights.

NEW Fact Sheet Series on Flood Preparedness

Announces the release of a new REMS TA Center fact sheet series on flooding that is customized for K-12, higher ed, and state education agency populations and that offers considerations for emergency operations plan development, suggests flood-related preparedness activities, and includes related resources.

Get Ready to ShakeOut on October 17

Encourages education agencies to participate in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills in October, and includes additional resources to enhance earthquake preparedness.

Announcing Our NEW Website!

Announces enhancements to the REMS TA Center Website, and provides a brief walk-through of new features and functions.

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Provides information on cybersecurity and emergency management planning, as well as related resources, in observation of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

Federal Partners Release a NEW Guide on the Role of Districts in Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans

Announces the release of The Role of Districts in Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans: A Companion to the School Guide (the District Guide) from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Supportive Schools, with representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Managing Bereavement and Loss as a Part of School and Higher ed Emergency Preparedness Planning

Provides information on bereavement and loss considerations, such as emergency operations plan development, collaboration with community partners, student grief, preventative measures, cultural and religious awareness, psychological first aid, and media.

NEW Fact Sheet on Wildfire Preparedness for Schools and IHEs

Announces the release of a new REMS TA Center fact sheet on wildfire preparedness, and offers additional topic-specific resources, including lessons learned.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Summer 2019

Features articles on topics such as emergency events and school buses, An Overview of the U.S. Department of Education's New Parent and Educator Guide to School Climate Resources, A Focus on Resilience Strategies for Educators, upcoming trainings, and virtual networking highlights.

Managing Anniversaries and Memorials as a Part of School and Campus Safety Efforts

Provides considerations for managing anniversaries and memorials at schools and institutions of higher education, and offers information for integrating anniversaries and memorials into an emergency operations plan.

Announcing: School Safety Grant Opportunities

Announces three new grants for eligible local education agencies: the Project Prevent Grant Program, the School Climate Transformation Grant Program, and the Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant Program.

Using the Summer Months to Conduct Site Assessments

Outlines the benefits of conducting site assessments at schools and institutions of higher education over the summer, and provides an overview of how to get started with conducting a site assessment.

Did you spot #REMSonTheRoad this year? Find out where we went, and how you can take advantage of similar learning opportunities!

Provides updates on the REMS TA Center's #REMSontheRoad training activities, and lists additional resources and supports.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Spring 2019

Features articles on topics such as Adult Sexual Misconduct and Youth Protection; results from the REMS TA Center's comparative analysis of recommendations; Run, Hide, or Fight; updates on REMS TA Center Trainings by Request; and virtual networking highlights.

NEW Resource! Fact Sheet for Schools and IHEs on Addressing Opioid Emergencies

Announces the release of a new REMS TA Center fact sheet on addressing opioid emergencies, and offers additional resources.

Start the New Year Prepared | Enhance Your Emergency Preparedness Training Program Using Our NEW Emergency Exercises Package

Announces the release of the REMS TA Center Specialized Training Package, with modules supporting a variety of emergency management topics and related tabletop exercises.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Winter 2019

Features articles on topics such as Understanding Food Safety, An Overview of the REMS TA Center's Enhanced Publications Web Page, A Focus on Youth Preparedness, Introducing the New REMS TA Center's Extension Training Format, Exclusive Resources to be Featured on the CoP in 2019, and virtual networking highlights.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Fall 2018

Features articles on topics such as Test of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System Rescheduled; Recognizing National Preparedness Month and Back to School Season: Reinforce the Whole School Community's Role in Ensuring Food Safety; Promote Opioid Abuse Awareness Throughout National Recovery Month and National Preparedness Month; Federal School Safety Commission Listening Session Complete; 'Drop, Cover, and Hold On' With the Rest of the Nation on October 18, 2018; Updates to SITE ASSESS — the REMS TA Center's Free Mobile App for Conducting Site Assessments; and information on Webinars and trainings.

Announcing: Upcoming Test of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)

Announces the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) test scheduled for September 20, 2018, and offers strategies for state and local emergency management and education agencies for teaching students about emergency management.

NEW School Safety and Emergency Preparedness Funding Opportunities from the U.S. Department of Education

Announces two new funding opportunities from the U.S. Department of Education: Grants to States for School Emergency Management and the School Climate Transformation Grant Program for state education agencies.

Recent Discussions in the Community of Practice (CoP) | May and June

Summarizes discussions and updates on the REMS TA Center's Community of Practice and Twitter account during May and June 2018, including School and Campus Safety Questions of the Month, new forums, and top tweets.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Summer 2018

Features articles on topics such as A View From the Field — Perspectives From FEMA's PrepTalks on School Safety & The REMS TA Center; Considering the Use of Metal Detectors in Schools; Answer the School and Campus Safety Questions of the Month on the Community of Practice; Upcoming and Archived Events; Recent Upcoming Meetings, Conferences, and Live + Virtual Trainings; and more.

Recent Discussions in the Community of Practice (CoP)

Summarizes discussions and updates on the REMS TA Center's Community of Practice and Twitter account, including School and Campus Safety Questions of the Month, new forums, and top tweets.

Download and Share NEW Fact Sheets on School Culture and Climate + Student Perceptions of Safety

Announces the release of two new REMS TA Center fact sheets on School Culture and Climate and Student Perceptions of Safety, which offer background, research, and strategies for integrating these topics into preparedness efforts.

Recent Discussions in the Community of Practice (CoP)

Summarizes discussions and updates on the REMS TA Center's Community of Practice and Twitter account, including School and Campus Safety Questions of the Month, new forums, and top tweets.

News & Updates from the REMS TA Center, Spring 2018

Features articles on topics such as A View From the Field — Perspectives From the Youth-Serving Organizations Leadership Roundtable in Oregon; Spring Safety and Seasonal Preparedness; Answer the School and Campus Safety Questions of the Month on the Community of Practice; Recent and Upcoming Meetings, Conferences, and Live + Virtual Trainings; and more.

Responding to Student Protests and Demonstrations in Schools and School Districts

Provides information and considerations around responding to student protests and demonstrations in the context of student protests against gun violence.

Dear Partner in School Emergency Recovery

Describes five programs that were funded through the new Federal assistance for schools, school districts, and students impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria and the 2017 California wildfires.

Wishing You Hope, Joy, and Peace in 2018!

Reminds readers that school and campus communities may be recovering from hazards and threats, and lists information for the national Disaster Distress Hotline.