Forming a School Behavioral Threat Assessment Team

Event Date: August 26, 2016


  • Donna Michaelis, Manager, Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety
  • Dr. Dolores Robison, Threat Assessment Supervisor, Prince William County Public Schools
  • Dr. Paul Myers, Director of Research and Development, REMS TA Center



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Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes

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On Friday, August 26, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET, the REMS TA Center, on behalf of the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), hosted a Webinar on Forming a School Behavioral Threat Assessment Team.

Presenters in this Webinar discussed eight common elements of an effective threat assessment, such as they are performed by a trained, multidisciplinary team and are continually evaluated and adjusted, if needed.

This 1 hour Webinar included a live PowerPoint presentation as well as a Question and Answer session following the presentation.