#REMSontheAir Podcast - A Library of Podcast Episodes on School and Higher Education Safety

The safety of our nation's schools and campuses is a topic that impacts us all. The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools and its REMS TA Center have engaged with, provided support to, and learned from practitioners and key stakeholders in the field around the far-reaching topics of school and campus safety. Knowledge gained from these collaborations and our continuous research on key topics have resulted in the development of various virtual and live engagement opportunities. Thank you to every local, regional, state, and Federal partner who has supported our collaborative efforts to teach and learn from the field. We are pleased to offer a NEW opportunity to engage with the REMS TA Center and our partners: the #REMSontheAir podcast.

Our Podcast Library contains a collection of episodes designed to support your school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness initiatives. Visit our podcast channels on these platforms below.

Episode Spotlight

The Importance of Collaboration in Cybersecurity and Risk Management: The REMS TA Center considers the importance of collaboration in preparing for and preventing cyber-attacks. Selected recordings from interviews with subject matter experts Julia Fallon (State Educational Technology Directors Association), Doug Levin (K12 Security Information Exchange), and Ray Girdler (Arkansas Department of Education) provide direct insights from the field.

Listen, Learn, and Share

Find a list of our latest podcast episodes or series below.

Air date: August 30, 2024

The REMS TA Center joins with the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) National Technical Assistance Center (NTAC) for a collaborative episode on emergency considerations for afterschool and out-of-school time programs. Special guest Miguel Garcia (Forth Worth Independent School District, Texas) covers the ins and outs of afterschool considerations, including the following:

  • What is NTAC, and what does it do?
  • What is the difference between vendor-based and site-based afterschool programs?
  • What are the differences in emergency planning during school hours and afterschool hours?
  • How can local education agencies and schools work together to monitor hazards and threats particular to afterschool programs?
  • What unique considerations do afterschool programs have for emergency operations plan development?

REMS TA Center Resources

Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (Guidance Document)

Using a Six-Step Planning Process and Scenario-Based Planning to Support Emergency Operations Plan Development (Web Page)

Other Resources

21st CCLC NTAC (Web Page)

Air date: August 13, 2024

Dr. Timothy Tillman (Chesterfield County Public Schools, Virginia) rejoins the REMS TA Center for a discussion about the important role that school boards have in developing and improving K-12 cybersecurity postures. "Letting information technology (IT) team handle it" is no longer enough; school boards can lead by understanding what their IT teams need and providing a road map for improvement.

This episode explores the following questions:

  • How do we need to reframe our philosophies regarding the relationships between IT teams, school boards, and K-12 cybersecurity?
  • What is the role of a school's IT department in helping create and maintain a strong K-12 cybersecurity posture?
  • What is the role of the school board in helping create and maintain a strong K-12 cybersecurity posture?
  • What are "outside vendor risks" and what responsibilities should school boards take to address them?
  • How can school boards and communities grow from where they are now to where they need to be to protect schools most effectively?

REMS TA Center Resources

Cybersecurity Considerations for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Online Course)

Cybersecurity Preparedness for K-12 Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Cyber Safety for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Web Page)

Live Trainings by Request (Web Page)

Understanding the Role of Information Technology Specialists in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (Webinar)

Air date: August 13, 2024

The REMS TA Center interviews Carlton Gerald (Alexandria Public Schools, Virginia) for his take on the important relationship between technology and K-12 emergency management planning. In addition to providing general information about the school technology landscape, Gerald offers suggestions for choosing technologies as well as for avoiding over reliance on technology.

This episode engages questions such as:

  • What is an "outside in" approach to emergency preparedness?
  • Where and how should schools rely on technology in their planning?
  • How can schools know which technologies to use and purchase?
  • What common pitfalls with technology do schools tend to fall into, and how can these be avoided?
  • What does it mean to be a good steward of technology?

REMS TA Center Resources

EOP Interactive Tools (Web Page)

Cybersecurity Preparedness for K-12 Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Online Courses (Web Page)

Understanding the Role of Information Technology Specialists in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (Webinar)

Air date: April 1, 2024

The REMS TA Center explores immediate action steps core planning teams can take to protect their school from cyberattacks. Selected interview snippets from subject matter experts Ray Girdler (Arkansas Department of Education), Julia Fallon (State Educational Technology Directors Association), and Doug Levin (K12 Security Information eXchange) provide deeper insights into this topic. This episode answers the following questions:

  • What baseline cyber protections should schools implement if they don't know where to start?
  • How can schools avoid getting bogged down in technical jargon?
  • Why is an audit important for improving cybersecurity?
  • How can self-assessments support cyber protection measures?
  • What role does information-sharing play in helping schools improve their cybersecurity posture?

REMS TA Center Resources

Cybersecurity Considerations for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Online Course)

Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools and School Districts: Developing a Cyber Annex (Fact Sheet)

Cybersecurity Preparedness for Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Emergency Exercises Training Package (Training Package)

School EOPs In-Depth: Developing a COOP Annex (Online Course)

Air date: March 1, 2024

Join the REMS TA Center for an exciting episode in which Whytley Jones (District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Risk Management Agency [DC HSEMA]) shares a school behavioral threat assessment success story. Whytley explains how collaboration, integral to DC HSEMA's founding, is a key factor in helping public schools, private schools, and institutions of higher education (IHEs) prevent behavioral emergency incidents. This episode explores

  • What is DC HSEMA, and how does it partner with schools and IHEs to implement threat assessments?
  • How did DC HSEMA employ referral, intervention, and follow-up to provide support for a person of concern?
  • What steps can schools take to form collaborative partnerships that foster successful outcomes?
  • How does a multidisciplinary approach benefit school emergency operations plans?
  • Why is training so important for school safety?

REMS TA Center Resources

Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)

Forming a School Behavioral Threat Assessment Team (Webinar)

Other Resources

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, DC HSEMA (Website)

Protect DC, Government of the District of Columbia (Web Page)

SchoolSafety.Gov (Web Page)

Air date: February 1, 2024

The REMS TA Center considers the importance of collaboration in preparing for and preventing cyberattacks. Selected recordings from interviews with subject matter experts Julia Fallon (State Educational Technology Directors Association), Doug Levin (K12 Security Information eXchange), and Ray Girdler (Arkansas Department of Education) provide direct insights from the field. This episode explores

  • What is the current state of the cybersecurity landscape for K-12 schools?
  • What is the current state of the cybersecurity landscape for K-12 schools?
  • What does school climate have to do with human error?
  • What is the current state of the cybersecurity landscape for K-12 schools?
  • What is the importance of establishing collaborative relationships and contact lists in advance of a cyber incident?
  • What REMS TA Center resources exist on this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Cybersecurity Considerations for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Online Course)

Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools and School Districts: Developing a Cyber Annex (Fact Sheet)

Cybersecurity Preparedness for Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Integrating Cybersecurity Into School Emergency Operations Plans (Training Package)

Other Resources

The K-12 Cyber Incident Map, K12 Security Information eXchange (Tool)

Air date: January 1, 2024

The REMS TA Center talks with Dr. Garry McGiboney (formerly with the Georgia Department of Education) on the topic of human error and school safety. Dr. McGiboney explores the types and causes of human error in schools and provides suggestions and best practices to avoid human error incidents. Key explorations include:

  • What is "human error," and what are its primary causes?
  • How and where is human error most likely to manifest in K-12 school settings?
  • What does school climate have to do with human error?
  • What is the difference between remedy-based thinking and solution-based thinking?
  • What are some strategies and best practices for avoiding human error in K-12 school contexts?

REMS TA Center Resources

Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (Guidance Document)

The Role of Districts in Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans (Guidance Document)

Timeless School Safety Strategies (Fact Sheet)

Air date: December 9, 2023

The REMS TA Center draws from current data and an interview with Dr. Timothy Tillman (Chesterfield County Public Schools, Virginia) to understand the current landscape of K-12 school cyberattacks and best practices for improving K-12 cybersecurity posture. Join the REMS TA Center to explore questions about cybersecurity risk management:

  • Where do K-12 schools and school districts fit in the cybersecurity landscape?
  • What federal resources exist for K-12 schools to use in cybersecurity preparedness efforts?
  • What are some high-impact strategies to help schools prevent, respond to, and recover from cyberattacks?
  • What unique challenges stand in the way of K-12 cybersecurity buy-in?
  • What are Cybersecurity Annexes and Incident Response Plans, and why are these important for your school emergency operations plan?
  • What is multifactor authentication, and why is it important for schools?

REMS TA Center Resources

Cybersecurity Preparedness for Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Other Resources

K-12 Digital Infrastructure Brief: Defensible & Resilient, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology (Report)

Protecting Our Future: Partnering to Safeguard K-12 Organizations From Cybersecurity Threats, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (Publication)

Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Federal Communications Commission (Publication)

The State of K-12 Cybersecurity: Year in Review, K12 Security Information eXchange (Report)

Air date: September 1, 2023

The REMS TA Center explores four timeless strategies for developing and enhancing the school emergency operations plan (EOP) and consults with Steve Harris (University of Georgia). In light of recent high turnover in the education and public safety professions, this episode serves as a helpful reminder of important safety strategies that, while basic, may not be well known. Key considerations of this episode include:

  • Why is it important to implement school safety basics, including ongoing training and regular communication?
  • What are some strategies for creating and actively maintaining a high-quality EOP?
  • What is an all-hazards approach, and how can schools prepare for a range of hazards and threats?
  • Why are relationships the true backbone of school safety?

REMS TA Center Resources

Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)

Emergency Exercises Training Package (Training Package)

Enhancing School and Higher Ed Safety Leadership Capabilities (Web Page)

Timeless School Safety Strategies (Fact Sheet)

Air date: August 1, 2023

Kevin Martin (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) discusses the Community Lifelines framework. Join the REMS TA Center and Martin to explore the following:

  • What is the Community Lifelines framework, and how is it helpful for school emergency management planning?
  • What systems participate in the Community Lifelines framework?
  • How can schools adapt the Community Lifelines framework to fit their needs?
  • What are some suggested resources for learning more about this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Enhancing School and Higher Ed Safety Leadership Capabilities (Web Page)

Other Resources

Community Lifelines, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Web Page)

Community Lifelines Implementation Toolkit, DHS, FEMA (Web Page)

Air date: July 1, 2023

The REMS TA Center consults Ali Shah (San Jacinto College, Texas) about Incident Command System (ICS) implementation strategies and lessons. This episode answers questions such as:

  • What is the Incident Command System (ICS), and how was it developed?
  • How has adopting ICS assisted San Jacinto College's emergency operations plan?
  • What are some of the most useful characteristics of the ICS for K-12 schools and institutions of higher education (IHEs)?
  • How can K-12 schools and IHEs benefit from the ICS characteristic "Span of Control"?
  • How can K-12 schools and IHEs modify and scale ICS characteristics to meet their needs?
  • What additional resources exist to provide support on this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

National Incident Management System (Web Page)

Enhancing School and Higher Ed Safety Leadership Capabilities (Web Page)

Other Resources

ICS Resource Center, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute (Website)

Air date: June 1, 2023

The REMS TA Center speaks with Ian Cyr (University of Massachusetts Amherst) who provides background information on the Incident Command System (ICS), its purpose, and how his institution adopts the Emergency Support Function (ESF) structure. Join the REMS TA Center and Cyr to explore:

  • What is the ICS, and how was it developed?
  • What skills and benefits does the ICS provide for schools for planned and unplanned events?
  • How is the ICS like Thanksgiving?
  • What are ESFs and how do they fit within emergency plans?
  • Where/how have you seen ICS work successfully with ESFs in the field?
  • What are some implementation tips for schools desiring to adopt ICS characteristics and ESF structures to their emergency operations plans?

REMS TA Center Resources

Enhancing School and Higher Ed Safety Leadership Capabilities (Web Page)

National Incident Management System (Web Page)

Other Resources

Emergency Support Functions, U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) (Web Page)

ICS Resource Center, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Emergency Management Institute (Website)

Air date: May 1, 2023

The REMS TA Center shares research on the issue of adult sexual misconduct (ASM) in K-12 schools and school districts and the aiding and abetting of ASM. Dr. Colleen O'Neil (Colorado Department of Education) also joins to offer insights and concrete strategies for preventing the aiding and abetting of ASM. This episode considers the following points:

  • What constitutes ASM?
  • What is "aiding and abetting," and what laws exist to protect against it?
  • How have various states and agencies responded to ASM legislation?
  • What actions can schools and school districts take to address and protect against this harm?
  • What resources are available to further explore this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct (ASM) (Training Package)

Addressing and Preventing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting (Online Course)

Adult Sexual Misconduct in Schools (Web Page)

A Training Guide for Administrators and Educators on Addressing Adult Sexual Misconduct in the School Setting (Guidance Document)

Other Resources

Section 8546 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (Publication)

Air date: April 1, 2023

Anne Gilligan (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) discusses the use and purpose of after-action reviews and reports as prevention tools that can help improve emergency operations plans. This discussion offers insights on challenges that state education agencies face in working with schools and school districts in developing after-action reports; the level of engagement that key partners, such as community stakeholders and families, have in report development; and tips and recommendations about the benefits of using after-action reviews and reports following emergency incidents and exercises. The REMS TA Center joins Gilligan to consider the following:

  • What is an after-action report?
  • How do after-action meetings, reviews, and reports fit into the bigger picture of school safety?
  • Which faculty and staff members and community partners should be involved in the after-action review process?
  • What did the COVID-19 pandemic teach us about after-action processes?
  • What resources can schools consult for support in this area?

REMS TA Center Resources

After-Action Reports: Capturing Lessons Learned and Identifying Areas of Improvement (Fact Sheet)

After-Action Reviews and Reports for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Online Course)

Using a Six-Step Planning Process and Scenario-Based Planning to Support Emergency Operations Plan Development (Web Page)

Air date: March 1, 2023

Derek Casper and Janelle Ozmun from the Ohio School Safety Center share how they partner with the Ohio Department of Education and local school districts to manage their tip line and use it to enhance emergency management planning. The REMS TA Center joins Casper and Ozmun to discuss:

  • What are tip lines, and how do they connect to school safety?
  • What past incidents and legislation in the state of Ohio help inform our understanding of the importance and use of tip lines?
  • How are compliance, management, and reporting requirements upheld in tip line use in general and across entities?
  • What is the role of the district vs. the school in navigating tip lines and reporting?
  • How can schools and school districts promote and train staff, faculty, and the entire school community on tip line use?
  • What types of risks and threats do students typically use tip lines to report?

REMS TA Center Resources

Information Sharing for Schools and Postsecondary Institutions — The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Webinar)

Maximizing School and Higher Ed Security as a Part of Emergency Management Planning (Web Page)

Other Resources

Tip Lines for School Safety: A National Portrait of Tip Line Use, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice (Publication)

Air date: February 1, 2023

The REMS TA Center chats with Dr. Cheryl May (Arkansas Center for School Safety) and Dr. Jeff Collum and Jason Black (both of Conway Public Schools in Arkansas) on conducting site assessments using the SITE ASSESS mobile application. The episode answers the following questions:

  • How are site assessments important to school emergency management planning?
  • Should site assessments be standardized?
  • What does a good site assessment involve?
  • What is SITE ASSESS, and how can it bring perspective to the data collection process?
  • What are the benefits of collaboration with the school community in the use of SITE ASSESS?
  • What are some tips for implementing SITE ASSESS into your school assessment processes?

REMS TA Center Resources

Conducting Assessments to Help Your Education Agency Understand the Situation and Enhance Emergency Planning (Web Page)

Conducting K-12 Site Assessments With SITE ASSESS (Webinar)

Conducting K-12 Site Assessments With SITE ASSESS Training Train-the-Educator (Virtual and Live Trainings by Request)

SITE ASSESS (Mobile Application)

Other Resources

Arkansas School Site Assessment, Arkansas Center for School Safety (SITE ASSESS File)

Air date: January 1, 2023

The REMS TA Center chats with Guy Bliesner (Idaho School Safety and Security Program) on strategies the program uses within the state of Idaho to assess the safety, security, accessibility, and emergency preparedness of school buildings and grounds. This episode considers the following questions:

  • How are assessments important for emergency operations plan updates and revisions?
  • What types of assessments should schools conduct throughout the year to inform their emergency management planning?
  • What requirements, notifications, tools, and timing considerations should schools keep when conducting assessments?
  • Who should be involved in the assessment process?
  • How can schools address overlooked areas of site assessment, including older facilities and building structures?
  • What practical and management tips can schools implement when conducting behavioral threat assessments and all assessments?

REMS TA Center Resources

Conducting Assessments to Help Your Education Agency Understand the Situation and Enhance Emergency Planning (Web Page)

Forming a School Behavioral Threat Assessment Team (Webinar)

SITE ASSESS (Mobile Application)

Air date: December 1, 2022

Sue Graves (Lincoln County School District, Oregon) shares strategies for planning for emergency evacuation and considerations for developing an Evacuation Annex. The REMS TA Center joins Graves to consider:

  • What types of events are likely to prompt a school evacuation?
  • What key individuals should schools include on their core planning teams to ensure that evacuations are thoroughly considered?
  • How should schools think through evacuation drills and on- and off-campus evacuation sites for increased success?
  • How can schools update and improve their Evacuation Annex?
  • What are some suggestions for preparing students, staff, parents, and guardians for all evacuation and reunification situations?
  • What resources are available to further support schools in preparing for evacuations?

REMS TA Center Resources

Emergency Evacuations: Planning for the Whole School Community (Webinar)

Ensuring the Safe Evacuation of All Students, Staff, and Visitors (Web Page)

Evacuation Sample Annex: A Fictional Example for Schools Before, During, and After an Evacuation (Sample Annex)

Air date: November 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center joins Jim Lee (Arizona Department of Education) for a discussion on family reunification in the context of school safety and emergency management. The REMS TA Center outlines family reunification activities conducted before, during, and after an emergency event and the importance of creating a Family Reunification Annex. This episode explores:

  • What is "family reunification," and how does it fit within the context of emergency operations plan development?
  • What logistics should schools consider regarding reunification and when designing a Family Reunification Annex?
  • What reunification actions should schools take before, during, and after emergencies?
  • What resources are available to support schools in learning more about this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Conducting a Secure, Safe, and Successful K-12 Family Reunification Process (Webinar)

Family Reunification Planning (Training Package)

Family Reunification Sample Annex: A Fictional Example for Family Reunification Before, During, and After an Emergency (Sample Annex)

Integrating Family Reunification Planning Before, During, and After an Emergency Into the School Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) (Fact Sheet)

Preparing to Reunify Students With Families and Guardians Before, During, and After a School Emergency (Online Course)

Air date: October 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center shows how schools and institutions of higher education (IHEs) can create comprehensive Recovery Annexes that address the four components of recovery. Drawing from the experience of Dr. Marilyn Lewis (Alabama State Department of Education), Jeff Hodges (Georgia Department of Education), Kami Moore (Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault), and Jake Wolf (California Department of Education), the REMS TA Center considers how state-level partnerships can strengthen recovery efforts. This episode asks:

  • What are some examples of varying recovery approaches?
  • How and when should schools and IHEs foster collaborative partnerships to prepare for recovery?
  • How can schools and IHEs integrate recovery planning into all aspects of preparedness (beyond the Recovery Annex)?
  • What further resources exist on this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning (Webinar)

Developing a Recovery Annex (Specialized Training Package)

Managing Your School's Recovery From an Emergency Incident (Online Course)

Planning to Recover From Emergencies at Districts and Schools (Webinar)

Topic Specific Resources: Recovery (Web Page)

Air date: September 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center, with Kenya Hanes (National Center for Homeless Education), discuss planning for and supporting students who may be facing homelessness or displacement. Together, they explore family and student engagement and how to address homelessness through proper action and planning laid out in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The episode considers:

  • What legislation is established to protect homeless populations (including students)?
  • How can schools communicate effectively and respectfully about homelessness and displacement?
  • How can schools address homelessness in their emergency operations plans in a trauma-informed, culturally sensitive way?
  • How can schools partner with state, district, and local agencies to support this population?

REMS TA Center Resources

Ensuring Continuity of Operations and Learning During and After Emergency Incidents (Web Page)

Providing Emergency Preparedness Supports for Students Experiencing Homelessness (Webinar)

State Emergency Management Resources (Web Page)

Other Resources

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Law Revision Counsel, United States Code (Web Page)

National Center for Homeless Education, U.S. Department of Education (Website)

Air date: August 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center delves into continuity of operations planning for homeless and displaced students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The REMS TA Center speaks with Kenya Hanes (National Center for Homeless Education) to explore:

  • What do schools need to consider when providing continuity of operations for their homeless and displaced students?
  • How can schools collaborate with key state and local partners to support homeless and displaced students?
  • How can schools make decisions with, rather than for, the homeless and displaced student population?

REMS TA Center Resources

Ensuring Continuity of Operations and Learning During and After Emergency Incidents (Web Page)

Providing Emergency Preparedness Supports for Students Experiencing Homelessness (Webinar)

Other Resources

McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act,U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Law Revision Counsel, United States Code (Web Page)

National Center for Homeless Education, U.S. Department of Education (Website)

Air date: July 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center discusses the important role of social-emotional learning in school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness. Drawing from the wisdom of Dr. Marleen Wong (University of Southern California) and Bronwyn Roberts (REMS TA Center Strategic Director), the REMS TA Center focuses on integrating a trauma-informed approach into planning and explores related concepts, including adverse childhood experiences and secondary trauma, which may impact students, educators, administrators, and other school personnel. This episode explores the following concepts:

  • What importance do social-emotional learning techniques have with the rise in online and hybrid learning models?
  • What is the link between social-emotional learning and school safety?
  • How can school leaders and community partners make schools and school districts safe places to be, teach, and learn?
  • What is trauma, and how can we recognize signs of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences in students?
  • What is secondary trauma, and where might it appear in our school communities?

REMS TA Center Resources

The Role of School Mental Health Professionals in Supporting School Safety Efforts (Webinar)

Understanding the Role of School Psychologists in Supporting School Safety Before, During, and After an Emergency (Webinar)

Supporting Efforts to Create a Public Health, Medical, and Mental Health Annex as a Part of Your Emergency Operations Plan (Web Page)

Trauma-Informed Care for Schools Before, During, and After Possible Emergency Events (Webinar)

Understanding Educator Resilience and Developing a Self-Care Plan (Training Package)

Air date: June 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center engages Dr. Sycarah Fisher (University of Georgia) about opioid use and abuse. Together, they explore key terms, definitions, and the following questions regarding opioid overdose in school settings:

  • What factors have contributed to the recent opioid misuse crisis?
  • What consequences does opioid misuse carry for school communities?
  • What are some key terms and definitions surrounding this topic?
  • What risk factors and comorbidities should school communities be aware of to help prevent and mitigate opioid misuse issues?

REMS TA Center Resources

Addressing Adversarial and Human-Caused Threats That May Impact Students, Staff, and Visitors (Web Page)

Fentanyl and Opioids: Preventing Overdoses and Related Emergencies at K-12 and Higher Education Campuses (Fact Sheet)

Opioids, Drug-Related Emergencies, and Substance Abuse Prevention Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (Webinar)

Air date: May 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center describes school-based prevention and intervention methods and provides an overview of the presence of opioids in schools. This episode addresses the following questions:

  • What is opioid abuse and misuse?
  • What ramifications does opioid abuse have on individuals and communities?
  • What methods of opioid misuse exist?
  • How can schools prepare for opioid overdoses using the six-step planning process?
  • What is an Opioid Overdose Annex, and how can schools create one?
  • What REMS TA Center and other resources exist to provide support on this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Addressing Adversarial and Human-Caused Threats That May Impact Students, Staff, and Visitors (Web Page)

Fentanyl and Opioids: Preventing Overdoses and Related Emergencies at K-12 and Higher Education Campuses (Fact Sheet)

Opioids, Drug-Related Emergencies, and Substance Abuse Prevention Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic (Webinar)

Air date: April 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center focuses on the connection between cyber safety and cybersecurity, lists examples of cyber threats, and provides strategies for educational agencies to build their preparedness capacity. This episode includes a recorded segment from Jason Gates (U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Industry Engagement and Resilience Branch, Office of Cybersecurity and Communications), and explores the following points:

  • What is the relationship between cybersecurity and cyber safety?
  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced increased exposure to cyberattacks?
  • What strategies can schools and school districts implement to ward off cyber threats?
  • What resources are available on cybersecurity and cyber safety?

REMS TA Center Resources

Cyber Safety for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Web Page)

Cybersecurity Considerations for K-12 Schools and School District (Online Course)

Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools and School Districts: Developing a Cyber Annex (Fact Sheet)

Cybersecurity Preparedness for Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Digital Health, Safety, and Citizenship Topic-Specific Resources (Web Page)

Other Resources

CyberTipline, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (Web Page)

Air date: March 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center explores the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on digital safety and how school communities can rally together to share the responsibility for cyber safety. This episode shares examples of curricula and resources from state and local partners that provide strategies for building cyber preparedness. This episode explores the following cyber safety considerations:

  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic increased exposure to cyberattacks?
  • Who is responsible for cyber safety in school settings?
  • What are Responsible Use/Acceptable Use policies, and what benefits do they hold for school communities?
  • What are some positive cyber safety examples from the field from which we can learn?
  • What other resources exist to support schools with this topic?

REMS TA Center Resources

Cyber Safety for K-12 Schools and School Districts (Web Page)

Cybersecurity Considerations for K-12 Schools and School District (Online Course)

Cybersecurity for K-12 Schools and School Districts: Developing a Cyber Annex (Fact Sheet)

Cybersecurity Preparedness for Schools and Institutions of Higher Education (Web Page)

Digital Health, Safety, and Citizenship Topic-Specific Resources (Web Page)

Air date: February 1, 2022

Jonathan Shapiro (Maine School Safety Center) and Amy Carole (Maine Emergency Management Agency) discuss the value and impacts of their partnership and ongoing collaboration on emergency management initiatives, training, communication, and joint decision-making. Key topics explored in this episode include:

  • What do state emergency operations centers and agencies look like in Maine?
  • How do collaboration and partnership align with unified messaging?
  • What helpful information-sharing strategies are used in the state of Maine?
  • How have multidisciplinary techniques, practices, and structures helped school safety in Maine?

REMS TA Center Resources

Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning (Webinar)

Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)

State Emergency Management Resources (Web Page)

Other Resources

Maine School Safety Specialist Program, Maine Department of Education (Web Page)

Air date: January 1, 2022

The REMS TA Center is joined by Kimberly Buckheit (Maryland State Department of Education) and Jeyan Jebaraj (Maryland Center for School Safety) to explore their framework for collaboration and the benefits their partnerships provide to local education agencies (LEAs) throughout Maryland. Questions explored in this episode include:

  • How can state-level partnerships support LEAs?
  • What is the importance of coordinated communication in state-level collaborative partnerships?
  • What resources exist on building sustainable state-level emergency partnerships?

REMS TA Center Resources

Enhancing Collaboration With Key Community Partners to Support Emergency Planning (Web Page)

State Emergency Management Resources (Web Page)

State-Level Partnerships for School Safety (Planning Document)

Other Resources

Emergency Planning for School Systems and Schools, Maryland State Department of Education (Web Page)

Maryland Center for School Safety, Maryland Center for School Safety (Website)

Air date: December 1, 2021

Nicholas Slotterback (Pennsylvania Department of Education) shares four examples of state-level partnerships that exist within the state of Pennsylvania and discusses the different roles they play in supporting school safety. Join the REMS TA Center's chat with Slotterback about how partnerships have impacted local education agencies. Key topics explored in this episode include:

  • Why is it important for schools to maintain a diverse array of state-level partnerships?
  • How is the state of Pennsylvania implementing state-level partnerships?
  • What REMS TA Center resources exist for schools to help them build collaborative partnerships with state agencies?

REMS TA Center Resources

Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning (Webinar)

Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)

Enhancing Collaboration With Key Community Partners to Support Emergency Planning (Web Page)

State Emergency Management Resources (Web Page)

Other Resources

Office for Safe Schools, Pennsylvania Department of Education (Website)

Air date: November 1, 2021

The REMS TA Center, along with Shanti McAninley (Oklahoma Federal Bureau of Investigation), discusses how collaborative partnerships have strengthened behavioral threat assessment processes throughout the state. The episode also includes a recorded interview snippet with Jon Parker (Oklahoma State Department of Education). Questions considered in this episode include:

  • What is the importance of state-level partnerships and collaborations for school emergency response?
  • What did Hurricane Katrina teach us about collaboration?
  • What are behavioral threat assessments, and how can they help schools prevent emergencies?
  • What information-sharing considerations should schools keep in mind?
  • How can collaborative partnerships support early intervention frameworks?
  • What REMS TA Center resources exist for state-level collaborative partnerships?

REMS TA Center Resources

Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning (Webinar)

Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)

Forming a School Behavioral Threat Assessment Team (Webinar)

State Emergency Management Resources (Web Page)

Other Resources

Office of School Safety and Security, Oklahoma State Department of Education (Website)

Air date: October 1, 2021

The REMS TA Center is joined by Michelle Shahen (New York State Education Department) and Tina Tierney (New York State Center for School Safety) to explore the structure of three different models at the New York State Education Department and the New York State Center for School Safety. By learning about the functions and benefits of their collaboration, schools and school districts can be inspired to develop their own technical assistance collaborations. Key questions include:

  • What is the purpose of a state education agency (SEA), and how do SEA roles vary from state to state?
  • What collaboration models exist between states and school districts?
  • What is the purpose of a school safety center?
  • What are some examples of SEA collaboration models?
  • What lessons about positive collaboration did the COVID-19 pandemic teach SEAs and schools?

REMS TA Center Resources

Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning (Webinar)

Collaboration and Community Partnerships: Strategies for Effective School and Higher Ed Emergency Operations Plan Development (Fact Sheet)

Specialized Training Package (Training Package)

Other Resources

New York State Center for School Safety, New York State Education Department (Website)

Peer Support Services, Texas Health and Human Services Commission (Web Page)

Air date: September 1, 2021

This introductory episode shares how the REMS TA Center seeks to serve K-12 and higher ed partners and their community partners with emergency management planning in the areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery. The episode also draws from past interviews with subject matter experts Kenya Hanes (National Center for Homeless Education), Patricia Julianelle (Maryland State Homeless Education), and Dr. Sycarah Fisher (University of Georgia). This podcast episode explores:

  • What is the purpose of the #REMSontheAir podcast?
  • Why is collaboration important in school emergency management planning?
  • How does the work of the REMS TA Center relate to the U.S. Department of Education?
  • Who is the target audience of the REMS TA Center and the #REMSontheAir podcast?
  • Which REMS TA Center webinars should new listeners explore?

REMS TA Center Resources

About Us (Web Page)

Exploring the REMS TA Center at a Glance: Safety, Security, Emergency Management, and Preparedness Services and Supports for Education Agencies (Webinar)

How Your National School Safety Center Serves Institutions of Higher Education (Webinar)

REMS TA Center: Your National School Safety Center (Video)

Join the Conversation

Use the #REMSontheAir hashtag and engage in a post-episode discussion on X (formerly Twitter). To ensure that the #REMSontheAir podcast serves your needs:

  • Send us topic ideas
  • Propose experts and other key stakeholders in the field to feature.
  • Send us follow-up questions and/or comments on information shared within each episode or related to a specific series.

Send us an email with #REMSontheAir in the subject line; tag @remstacenter in a post via X; or call our toll-free phone number at 1-855-781-REMS [7367] to share your ideas, requests, and questions.