All REMS Training Opportunities

Training is a critical component of school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness. Training helps ensure everyone involved in the plan knows his or her roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an emergency, and it helps build the preparedness capacity of the whole school community. To support education agencies in their ongoing training and emergency operations plan development efforts, the REMS TA Center offers a variety of training modalities—both asynchronous and synchronous—that are designed to assist education agencies, including school districts, schools, institutions of higher education, state education agencies, and regional education agencies, with their professional development and emergency preparedness capacity-building efforts. Education agencies can also combine topics or modalities into their own training programs.

Training Spotlight

Virtual Trainings By Request

K-12 Cybersecurity 101 Risk Management

Learn how to develop a cyber incident response plan and how it can be integrated into school emergency operations plans via a Cyber Annex. Offered in both live and virtual training by request modalities, this train-the-trainer format is intended to build the capacity of potential master trainers to train personnel at their own education agencies on the role of cybersecurity in school safety.



Asynchronous training opportunities empower individuals within school and campus communities to engage in capacity-building efforts on their own time and independently. Education agencies may disseminate these trainings to their planning teams as professional development options. The REMS TA Center offers asynchronous online courses, archived webinars, and a specialized training package.


Online Courses

Online CoursesSelf-paced, virtual training opportunities.

Each online course contains several modules that participants can navigate through on their own time. Accessing online courses requires login credentials, which allow users to pause and resume courses at any time. Participants can take notes and download job aids, checklists, and reference guides as they navigate through the course modules. Most courses take 30-60 minutes to complete, and users can receive certificates of completion for finishing each course.


Archived WebinarsRecorded presentations from experts in the field.

Archived webinars are posted to the REMS TA Center website following the live webinar for viewing at any time. Most webinars are 60-90 minutes and feature expert presentations, practitioner perspectives, and panel discussions. Archived webinars include audio- and video-enabled presentations from experts and partner agencies, a downloadable copy of the presentation, and supplemental resources.

Specialized Training

Specialized Training PackageMultiple downloadable modules containing training materials.

Training package materials, although offered in a presentation format, can be downloaded and reviewed by individuals to enhance personal training and capacity-building. Each module in the package takes approximately 60 minutes and contains materials such as a presentation with speaker’s notes; instructions; a resource list; and, in some cases, a tabletop exercise.


Synchronous training opportunities allow participants to engage in training in real time, interact with other speakers and fellow participants, and ask questions. The REMS TA Center offers synchronous virtual trainings by request (VTBRs), live webinars, and live trainings by request (TBRs).


Virtual Trainings By Request

Virtual Trainings by RequestInteractive trainings delivered via a videoconference platform.

The REMS TA Center team and our cadre of highly qualified subject matter experts lead these trainings and provide all training materials for participants. Each training includes both pre- and post-training activities. Most VTBRs take 2-4 hours, and potential hosting organizations should request the training in advance. Upon completion, participants will receive certificates of completion from the REMS TA Center. Train-the-trainer VTBRs are intended to train potential master trainers who will deliver the training at their education agency; train-the-educator VTBRs are intended to educate general audiences about the topic at hand.


Live Webinars — Presentations from experts in the field delivered via a videoconference platform.

The REMS TA Center hosts webinars intermittently throughout the year, and most run for 60-90 minutes. Participants must register to attend the live event. Sign up to our mailing list to receive announcements on upcoming webinars, as well as information and resources from us and federal and national partners. You can also find information about upcoming webinars on the Archived Webinars page or the REMS TA Center calendar.

Specialized Training

Specialized Training PackageMultiple downloadable modules containing training materials.

Education agencies can download these materials and use them to train their teams in a virtual training setting. Each module in the package takes approximately 60 minutes and contains materials such as a presentation with speaker’s notes; instructions; a resource list; and, in some cases, a tabletop exercise.


Live Trainings By Request - REMS On The Road

Live Trainings by RequestDelivered on-site at education agencies upon request.

For each training, the REMS TA Center will provide—free of charge—training materials, as well as one or more expert trainers and REMS TA Center staff support for the event hosted at each site. TBRs vary in length from 2-8 hours. Trainings include both pre- and post-event activities, and the REMS TA Center provides certificates of completion following the event. Train-the-trainer TBRs are intended to train potential master trainers who will deliver the training at their education agency; train-the-educator TBRs are intended to educate general audiences about the topic at hand.

Specialized Training

Specialized Training PackageMultiple downloadable modules containing training materials.

Education agencies can download training materials to provide in-person trainings on their own. Each module in the package takes approximately 60 minutes and contains materials such as a presentation with speaker’s notes; instructions; a resource list; and, in some cases, a tabletop exercise.

Live and Virtual Training From the REMS TA Center