Duration: 30 to 45 min.

Objective: This course has been designed to help you understand cybersecurity considerations that K-12 schools and school districts need to keep in mind to inform your school emergency operations plans (EOPs) and safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness (school safety) programs. Learn about the types of evolving cyber threats facing school and school district networks and systems; the before, during, and after aspects of preparing for, responding to, and recovering from cyber threats; and how cybersecurity can be integrated into new and existing EOPs. This course is recommended for members of school and school district information technology teams; core school and school district safety planning teams; and school, school district, and community partner personnel with a role and/or responsibility in school safety.

  • Module 1–Understanding the Connection Between School Safety and Cybersecurity
  • Module 2–Threats Facing School and School District Networks and Systems
  • Module 3–Preparing for Cyber Threats: Before, During, and After
  • Module 4–Relation to Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Development and Planning

Note: You will be able to print a certificate only after all modules are completed.

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