Duration: 30 to 45 min.

Objective: This course has been designed to help you understand earthquakes and how K-12 schools and school districts can prepare for this natural hazard. Learn about the impacts of earthquakes on schools and communities, including their cascading and secondary effects; how the five preparedness mission areas may be used to approach planning for earthquakes; and the creation of an Earthquake Annex and other relevant functional and hazard-specific annexes as a part of the school emergency operations plan (EOP). This course is recommended for members of core planning teams, as well as school, school district, and community partner personnel with a role and/or responsibility in school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness.

  • Module 1–Importance of Earthquake Preparedness
  • Module 2–A Comprehensive Approach to Earthquake Preparedness
  • Module 3–The Earthquake Annex
  • Module 4–Additional Relevant EOP Annexes

Note: You will be able to print a certificate only after all modules are completed.

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