Impacts of Lead Exposure on Learning and Integration into School Emergency Management Planning

Event Date: July 31, 2019


  • Victoria Ellenbogen, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Drinking Water Protection Division
  • Madeline Sullivan, U.S. Department of Education's (the Department/ED) Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS)
  • Janelle W. Hughes, REMS TA Center; and Alix Stayton, REMS TA Center.



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Duration: 1 hour 2 minutes

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In this Webinar, presenters highlighted impacts of lead exposure on the learning environment and steps education agencies can take to integrate lead testing and reduction programs into school emergency management planning and emergency operations plans. Victoria Ellenbogen from the EPA's Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, Drinking Water Protection Division joined the Webinar to shared insight on this topic and details on EPA tools available to support states and localities with lead testing and reduction. The presentation concluded with a Question and Answer session and was followed by a Web Chat.

The Department's OSSS, formerly the Office of Safe and Healthy Students, and its REMS TA Center hosted this Webinar to provide schools with information on the impacts of lead exposure on learning and integration into school emergency management planning. While the live Webinar offered opportunities to respond to individual and unique questions from stakeholders and practitioners, the archived Webinar serves as a resource to help practitioners understand the impacts of lead exposure on the learning environment and integrate lead testing and reduction programs into school emergency management planning and emergency operations plans.