Ensuring Continuity of Feeding and Food Distribution During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Date: May 21, 2020


  • Tina Namian, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • Dr. Linette Dodson, Georgia Department of Education
  • Brenna Morse, Tennessee Department of Education
  • Jeff Gale, New Jersey Department of Education
  • Jennifer Weber, Oklahoma State Department of Education
  • Madeline Sullivan, U.S. Department of Education (the Department)
  • Janelle W. Hughes, REMS TA Center



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Duration: 1 hour 40 minutes

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The Department's Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and its REMS TA Center hosted a Webinar in collaboration with state partners on the topic of ensuring continuity of feeding and food distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the this Webinar, the OSSS and REMS TA Center team shared information on feeding and food distribution as a key element of continuity of operations planning and highlighted common challenges education agencies are facing as they try to ensure continuity of operations amidst COVID-19. State partners participated in a panel discussion during which they showcased models used on the state level to ensure that this essential community service continues. The REMS TA Center also provided information on Federal authorizations, waivers, and resources available to support education agencies and their community partners.

Presenters for this Webinar were Tina Namian, Chief of the School Programs Branch within the Policy and Program Development Division of the USDA's Food and Nutrition Service; Dr. Linette Dodson, State School Nutrition Director of Georgia Department of Education's School Nutrition Program; Brenna Morse, Director of the Tennessee School Safety Center within the Tennessee Department of Education; Jeff Gale, Director of the Office of School Preparedness and Emergency Planning within the New Jersey Department of Education; Jennifer Weber, Executive Director of Child Nutrition Programs within the Oklahoma State Department of Education; Madeline Sullivan, Management and Program Analyst at the Department's OSSS; and Janelle W. Hughes, Deputy Director of the REMS TA Center. The presentation concluded with a Question-and-Answer session and was followed by a Twitter Chat.

The Department's OSSS and its REMS TA Center hosted this Webinar to provide K-12 schools, school districts, regional education agencies, state education agencies, and their community partners with information on ensuring continuity of feeding and food distribution during the COVID-19 pandemic. While the live Webinar offered opportunities to respond to individual and unique questions from stakeholders and practitioners, the archived Webinar serves as a resource to help education agencies plan for continuity of operations and, specifically, this essential service during a pandemic.