Opioids, Drug-Related Emergencies, and Substance Abuse Prevention Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic

Event Date: August 10, 2020


  • Dr. Sycarah Fisher, University of Georgia, Department of Educational Psychology
  • Elyse Robertson, U.S. Department of Education (the Department), Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS)
  • Alison Curtis, REMS TA Center 



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Duration: 1 hour 27 minutes

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The Department's OSSS and its REMS TA Center hosted a Webinar on the topic of opioids, drug-related emergencies, and substance abuse prevention. During this Webinar, the REMS TA Center provided an overview of opioids and school safety and discussed why this topic is important to consider in all settings and all times. Guest presenter Dr. Sycarah Fisher discussed adolescent substance use and highlighted school-based prevention and intervention methods. The REMS TA Center then shared information on how schools can plan for opioid overdoses and other drug-related emergencies. Finally, the Department's OSSS provided a snapshot of resources to help prevent and reduce youth drug and substance use.

Presenters for this Webinar were Dr. Sycarah Fisher, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia; Elyse Robertson, Education Program Specialist of the Department's OSSS; and Alison Curtis, Director of Information and Product Management of the REMS TA Center. The presentation concluded with a question-and-answer session and was followed by a Twitter Chat.

The Department's OSSS and its REMS TA Center hosted this Webinar to provide schools with information on opioid overdoses, youth substance use, and school-based prevention and intervention methods and resources. While the live Webinar offered the opportunity to respond to individual and unique questions from stakeholders and practitioners, the archived Webinar serves as a resource to help education agencies plan for opioid- and drug-related emergencies and substance abuse prevention in all settings and at all times.