Building State-Level Relationships to Support Education Agencies With Disaster Response and Recovery Planning

Event Date: September 14, 2021


  • Christopher Tate, U.S. Department of Education (the Department), Disaster Recovery Unit
  • Monica McMillan, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
  • Joe Anderson, California Department of Education
  • Lynne Olson, California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
  • Tad Alexander, Butte County Office of Education in California
  • Janelle Hughes, REMS TA Center



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Duration: 58 minutes

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The Department’s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and its REMS TA Center hosted a Webinar with FEMA and partners from the state of California to highlight the importance of building relationships at the state level to support education agencies with disaster and emergency response and recovery planning and to assist school districts with understanding how FEMA Public Assistance (PA) Program funding can support these efforts. During this Webinar, presenters provided an overview of the importance of relationship building at the state level to support education agencies with disaster response and recovery planning, and support education agencies with accessing FEMA PA Program funding following presidentially declared disasters and emergencies. Panelists showcased the challenges of education agencies; how relationships support recovery and response planning and grant funding access; and capacity-building efforts that have enhanced school safety, security, emergency management, and preparedness at the local and state levels. Additionally, presenters shared resources to assist local and state education and emergency management agency planning partners with accessing the FEMA PA Program and with collaborating around response and recovery planning.

Presenters for this Webinar were Christopher Tate from the Department’s Disaster Recovery Unit; Monica McMillan, Team Lead of the State/Local/Tribal/Territorial PA Training Section from FEMA’s PA Cadre; Joe Anderson from California Department of Education’s Emergency Services Team; Lynne Olson, Program Manager of the Planning Division within California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services; Tad Alexander, Associate Superintendent of Butte County Office of Education; and Janelle Hughes, Project Director of the REMS TA Center. The presentation concluded with a question-and-answer session.

The Department‘s OSSS and its REMS TA Center hosted this Webinar to provide K-12 schools, school districts, regional education agencies, and state education agencies, along with their community partners, with information on how to build state-level relationships to support education agencies with disaster response and recovery planning. While the live Webinar offered opportunities to respond to individual and unique questions from stakeholders and practitioners, the archived Webinar serves as a resource to help education agencies with understanding how FEMA PA Program funding can support these efforts.