School EOP Planning 101: Creating High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans That Address All Threats, Hazards, Settings, and Times

Event Date: February 26, 2021


  • Madeline Sullivan, U.S. Department of Education (the Department), Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS)
  • Janelle W. Hughes, REMS TA Center
  • Alison Curtis, REMS TA Center



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Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

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The Department‘s Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and its REMS TA Center hosted a Webinar on the topic of creating high-quality school emergency operations plans (EOPs) that address all threats, hazards, settings, and times. During this Webinar, presenters highlighted strategies that K-12 education agencies can use, in collaboration with their team of multidisciplinary community partners, to create high-quality school EOPs that integrate planning around all threats and hazards and all settings and times. Recommendations from Federal partners specific to creating, revising, and enhancing school EOPs using a continual process were shared. Additionally, presenters explored considerations around planning for all types of hazards and threats and with all education settings and times in mind, and provided details of the latest resources and tools available from the REMS TA Center to support schools, with their community partners, with school EOP development.

Presenters for this Webinar were Madeline Sullivan, Management and Program Analyst at the Department‘s OSSS; Janelle W. Hughes, Project Director of the REMS TA Center; and Alison Curtis, Director of Information & Product Management at the REMS TA Center. The presentation concluded with a question-and-answer session and was followed by a Twitter Chat.

The Department‘s OSSS and its REMS TA Center hosted this Webinar to provide K-12 schools, school districts, regional education agencies, and state education agencies, with their community partners, with information on school EOP development and the six-step planning process. While the live Webinar offered opportunities to respond to individual and unique questions from stakeholders and practitioners, the archived Webinar serves as a resource to help education agencies create, revise, and enhance high-quality school EOPs.