K-12 Emergency Management Planning K-12 Emergency Management Planning

Functional Annexes

Functional annexes focus on critical operational functions and the courses of action developed to carry them out. Address functional annexes in developing a comprehensive, high-quality school EOP. As the planning team assesses the school’s needs, it may need to prepare additional or different annexes.

While these functions should be described separately, it is important to remember that many functions will occur consecutively. For example, a shelter-in-place during an emergency may be implemented but, if the building is damaged, the school may then initiate an evacuation.

Often, multiple functions will also be performed concurrently. For example, during an evacuation, once students are safely out of the building, the accounting for students, staff, and guests function will begin. The evacuation function, however, will still be in effect as staff or first responders work to locate and evacuate any persons not accounted for.

While functions build upon one another and overlap, it is not necessary to repeat a course of action in one functional annex if it appears in a second functional annex. For example, though an evacuation may lead to reunification, it is not necessary to list a course of action for reunification within the Evacuation Annex.

This is not a complete list, but it is recommended that all EOPs include at least the following annexes: