Well-documented and widely disseminated school district and school policies and procedures on adult sexual misconduct (ASM) ensure that school personnel understand the behaviors that constitute ASM and send the clear message that there is a zero-tolerance policy in place. In addition, through policies and procedures, educators and other school employees and volunteers are made aware and frequently reminded of their responsibilities to prevent, report, and respond to ASM and suspected instances of ASM. This chapter provides information on the development of policies and procedures that address both verbal and physical ASM, including

  • guidelines for “gray areas” that are sometimes subject to interpretation (see chapter 1);
  • the consequences for violating ASM policies;
  • the legal responsibilities for mandatory reporting of possible ASM incidents, which vary by state law;
  • mechanisms in place to allow for safe reporting of possible ASM;
  • protective measures in place for the student reporter, adult reporter, and adult whose behavior is being investigated;
  • suggestions for addressing false allegations of ASM;
  • the role of the Title IX coordinator when ASM is alleged in school; and
  • hiring practices that screen for applicants at risk of posing harm to children.