K-12 District Emergency Management Planning K-12 District Emergency Management Planning

Step 3: Help Schools Determine Goals and Objectives

In Step 3, the district plays the primary role. The district

  1. Develops goals and objectives for each of the threats and hazards included on its master list;
  2. Develops a master list of “cross-cutting functions” that apply to its master list of threats and hazards; and
  3. Develops goals and objectives for each of its cross-cutting functions.

In Step 3, the school core planning team

  1. Uses the district’s master list of threats and hazards to select which threats and hazards will be addressed in the school EOP;
  2. Uses the district’s goals and objectives to develop corresponding goals and objectives for each selected threat and hazard in the school EOP; and
  3. Uses the district’s master list of cross-cutting functions to select goals and objectives for those it selects for the school EOP.

Step 3 Outcomes

After completing Step 3, the school core planning team has selected threats and hazards from the district’s master list to address in the school EOP; using the district’s goals and objectives, developed and included the corresponding goals and objectives for its selected threats and hazards in the school EOP; and using the district’s master list of cross-cutting functions, selected and included goals and objectives for them in the school EOP.