Higher ed Emergency Management Planning Higher Ed Emergency Management Planning

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Access resources on planning for evacuation:

Ensuring the Safe Evacuation of All Students, Staff, and Visitors

Evacuation Annex

This annex focuses on the courses of action that IHEs will execute to evacuate buildings, facilities, and grounds.

The planning team should consider the following when developing its goals, objectives, and courses of action:

  • How to account for students, faculty, staff, and visitors located in various locations at different points in the day
  • How to safely move students, faculty, staff, and visitors from unsafe areas to designated assembly areas such as classrooms, student housing facilities, campus grounds, dining halls, stadiums, and other IHE locations
  • How to evacuate when the primary evacuation route is unusable
  • How to evacuate individuals with disabilities (along with service animals and assistive devices, e.g., wheelchairs) and others with access and functional needs, including language, transportation, and medical needs