Higher ed Emergency Management Planning Higher Ed Emergency Management Planning

Rapid Assessment Annex

This annex focuses on the courses of action that IHEs will implement when it is notified of or becomes aware of an occurring or impending emergency situation.

The planning team should consider the following when developing its goals, objectives, and courses of action:

  • How to immediately gather information to determine the type and scale of the incident
  • How to determine an appropriate response
  • How to determine which annexes should be implemented
  • How the institution will take immediate action to protect life and property
  • Whether goals, objects, and courses of action are consistent with the requirements of the Clery Act

The IHE’s response team lead (Incident Commander) has responsibility for the management of all emergency activities, including development, implementation, and review of strategic decisions. These actions and decisions are made in concert and in consultation with other community response partners and leaders as applicable.